Frequently Asked Question

Check out our FAQ section to find answers to all your questions and know more about Milvik

What are the services offered by MILVIK?

MILVIK offers MILVIK Life and Disability and MILVIK Health services which include coverage for life and health as well as mHealth services.

What is MILVIK Life and Disability Service?

MILVIK Life and Disability provides financial support to policyholders and their beneficiaries in the event of the death and/or disability of the policyholder and insured relatives (if any).

Who can register for MILVIK Life and Disability?

Any Bangladeshi individual, aged between 18-58 years can register for MILVIK Life and Disability. However, upon registration, customers will be eligible for coverage until the age of 60. For detail terms and conditions please click MILVIK Tnc.

How to register for MILVIK services?

If you want to register for MILVIK services, you can do it from MILVIK Health+ App, please click on MILVIK Plans, explore the features and terms and conditions and click on subscribe. For any assistance from our sales and customer service team, please call 09610500599.

What are the benefits of MILVIK Life and Disability?

The MILVIK Life and Disability policy will consist of below benefits:

  • Life Cover – cash coverage in the event of death
  • Disability Cover – cash coverage in the event of permanent total or partial disability
  • Know More

Who will get the benefits of MILVIK Life and Disability in case of death of the primary policyholder?

In case of death of the primary policyholder, his nominee will receive the cash benefit. Eligible relations for the nominee are the customer’s father, mother, spouse, siblings, children, or parents-in-law.

In case of disability, primary policyholder himself will receive the benefits. But his nominated person can operate the claim process i.e. making claim request, submitting documents on his behalf, if he is unable to operate it.

What’s the age limit for insured relatives under joint cover?

  • The entry age limit for spouse and siblings is 18 to 58 years and can be covered till 60 years
  • The entry age range for parents and parents-in-law is 18 to 63 years and can be covered till 65 years
  • Children can be covered from birth and not more than 19 years and be covered until they become 21 years of age

Who will receive the benefits in case of death and/or disability of the insured relative?

The primary policyholder will be the beneficiary in case of death of his insured relative. In case of the relative’s disability, insured relative will receive the allocated amount, but the primary policyholder can operate the claim process in this case.

What is the eligibility for full and partial disability coverage?

  • Following disabilities will be eligible for 100% payout of disability coverage: amputation or loss of use of two limbs/ both hands, or of all fingers and both thumbs, total paralysis or injuries resulting in being permanently bedridden or disablement, total insanity, total and irrevocable loss of all sight in both eyes, total loss of hearing or speech, burns – 3rd degree covering more than 20% of the body or 20% of the face.
  • Following disabilities will be eligible for 50% payout of disability coverage: amputation or loss of use of one limb/ four fingers and thumb on one hand, total and irrevocable loss of all sight in one eye, Total and irrevocable loss of all hearing in one ear, burns – 3rd degree covering more than 9% of the body or 9% of the face, partial paralysis.

How many times can one claim for disability?

Disability insurance can be claimed for each insured until the total eligible amount is exhausted. Following the claim of 50% of a disability claim, the customer can claim only 50% of the disability coverage in his next claim. Once 100% of the disability insurance amount has been claimed, no further disability claim will be supported.

From when do the for the benefits for MILVIK Life and Disability start? Are there any waiting periods?

Based on your subscription start date and payment channel, any of the following coverage will be applicable to you.

bKash Payment:
  • If you have subscribed before 30th May 2023, coverage for accidental deaths and disabilities will start from 1st day of next calendar month following the first successful payment.
  • If you have subscribed on or after 30th May 2023, coverage for accidental deaths and disabilities will start after 1 month of plan confirmation with successful payment.


Debit/Credit Card Payment:
  • For daily and monthly recurring plans, coverage for accidental deaths and disabilities will start from 1st day of next calendar month following the first successful payment.
  • For other plans i.e. 90 days, 180 days, and 12 month/yearly plans, the coverage for accidental deaths and disabilities will start after 1 month of plan confirmation with successful payment.


For both payment channels, irrespective of the subscription start date,
  • Natural death and disability cannot be claimed in the first 3 months from the date of registration.
  • Death or Disability due to a pre-existing disease within the first 6 months of package registration will not be covered.
  • Waiting period will be calculated separately for each customer and his insured relative.

How to get medical test discount?

MILVIK has a network of 500+ partner hospitals across the country where MILVIK customers can get 10%-40% discount on the selected services i.e. pathology, radiology, hospitalization etc.

Check Partner Hospitals List: CLICK HERE

What is medical test discount?

When you do any test at MILVIK partner hospital, go to “Discounts for MILVIK Customers” section from the Home screen of MILVIK Health+ app and generate discount code from the hospital of your choice. Show the app screen containing the discount code at the hospital or diagnostic center billing counter. Alternatively, you can also show the membership card or subscription/monthly coverage SMS at the billing counter to proof your MILVIK membership, before they prepare the bill.

What are the payment frequencies available?

For MILVIK Life and Disability we have daily, monthly, 90 days, 180 days, and 12 months recurring payment plans (based on auto-renewal and auto-payment from designated wallet) and one-time payment plans for 90 days, 180 days, and 12 months (with no auto-renewal).

How can I pay for my plan?

After registration, when you “agree” for bKash or credit or debit card subscription payment, you are authorizing deduction of the service charge amount from your bKash wallet/credit or debit card on a daily or monthly, 90 days, 180 days or 12 months frequency as chosen during registration.

When is service charge deducted?

The first service charge is deducted right after the payment authorization in bKash payment gateway/card payment gateway after registration. Following that,

  • For daily recurring plans, the service charge is deducted every day.
  • For monthly recurring plans, the service charge is deducted on the same date of every month. For example, if your first payment was on July 10th, your subsequent payment dates will be 10th of every month.
  • For 90 days, the subsequent service charges will be deducted every 90 days.
  • For 180 days, the subsequent service charges will be deducted every 90 days.
  • For Yearly, the subsequent service charges will be deducted on the same day every year.

What happens if I don’t have enough balance during deduction?

bKash Payment:
  • For monthly recurring plans, the service charge will be deducted on a specific date of every month.
  • If you have subscribed before 30th May 2023, you will have 2 more attempts to pay in every 3 days, if you had missed the payment on the previous attempt.
  • If you have subscribed on or after 30th May 2023, in case of failure to pay on the first attempt, 5 more attempts will be made every 5 days until the payment is successful. (6 attempts in total).
  • For 90 days and 180 days recurring plans, the subsequent payment will be charged after 90 days and 180 days respectively from the first confirmation date.
  • For yearly recurring plans, the subsequent payments will be charged on the same day as the first confirmation date after 1 year.
  • For 90 days plan, if the 1st payment attempt fails, you will have 5 more attempts in every 5 days to make the payment.
  • For 180 days plan, if the 1st payment attempt fails, you will have 5 more attempts in every 5 days to make the payment.
  • For 12 months/yearly plan, if the 1st payment attempt fails, you will have 5 more attempts in every 5 days to make the payment.
  • For daily recurring plans, there will be one deduction attempt per day. If you don’t have enough balance, the service charge for the day cannot be deducted. There is no retrial attempt for deduction in daily payment method.
Debit/Credit Card Payment:
  • In case of payment through cards, for monthly recurring plans, if you don’t have enough balance during the first attempt, you will have four (4) more chances to pay for the month in the next 30 days.
  • For daily recurring plans, a total of five (5) attempts will be made every day until successful.


*For all the recurring plans irrespective of the payment channel (bKash or debit/credit card), after all the scheduled payment attempts have failed, a One-Time payment link will be generated and sent to the customer through SMS and in-app notification, so that customers can make the payment for that billing month. Customers can also get the link by calling to MILVIK the customer care number.

How is coverage in a month decided?

  • For monthly recurring plans, if customer pays the monthly charge in the previous, then he earns full coverage for the next month. If no charge is paid in a month, then no coverage in the next month.
  • For daily recurring plans, coverage in the next month is calculated based on the number of successful daily payments in the previous month. For example, if customer has paid every day in the previous month, he will be eligible for full coverage as [er the policy in the next month. If customer has paid, for example, 20 days in a month, the next month’s coverage will be calculated as per below formula:
    (Number of days paid/ Number of days in the month)* Total benefit amount = Eligible limit for the next month.

How is coverage for 90 days, 180 days, and 12 months/yearly plans decided?

For 90 days, 180 days, and 12 months/yearly recurring plans, if the customer pays the charge, then he earns full coverage for the 90 days, 180 days and 12 months/1 year respectively, coverage starting from 1 month after the plan confirmation. If no charge is paid in one period, then no coverage in the next period.

What happens if I cannot make any payment in a payment cycle/period?

If all the payment attempts are unsuccessful in a given payment cycle/period, you will not have any coverage for the next cycle/period.

Is there any way to pay for the missed payments for recurring payment plans?

After all the scheduled payment attempts have failed for a recurring payment plan, a One-Time payment link will be generated and sent to the customer through SMS and in-app notification, so that customers can make the payment for that billing month. Customers can also get the link by calling MILVIK Helpline number 09610500599. For monthly recurring plans, the one-time payment link will remain active till the next cycle starts. For other recurring plans, the one-time payment link will be valid for 10 days.

How to pay for One-time plans?

For one-time payment plans for 90 days, 180 days, and 12 months/yearly, customers will receive a link to make payment using their chosen wallet i.e. debit/credit card, Nagad, and Rocket. Once the payment is confirmed by the customer, the payment will be charged immediately from the associated card or wallet.

How to renew One-time plans after tenure is over?

For one-time payment plans, the renewal window will commence at specific intervals depending on the chosen plan. For the 90-day plan, the renewal window begins 75 days after the subscription start date. . Similarly, for the 180-day plan, the renewal window starts after 150 days, and for the yearly plan, it begins after 320 days.

If customers want to renew the plan, they can do it from Milvik Health+ App or contact MILVIK customer care for support. The renew request can be given from 30 days before the tenure is over.

When will the next coverage period start after renewing one-time payment plans?

If the customer renews within the first 15, 30, and 45 days after the renewal window opening respectively for 90 days, 180 days, and yearly payment plans, there will be no gap in days in coverage between the previous and renewed periods. However, if renewal happens after the mentioned days, the next coverage period will start 1 month from the renewal date.

Will the waiting periods be reset after renewal?

If renewal happens after 15 days following the end of the previous coverage period, the waiting period will be reset.

How to claim for insurance?

You can submit the documents from eClaim section of Milvik Health+ app or from web app  

Which documents are required for claim?

For MILVIK Life and Disability the required documents customer proof of identifications (ID, passport etc.), death certificate provided by hospital or registered physician or city corporation or equivalent authority (in case of death) and medical certificate proving disability (in case of disability), nominee proof of identification and proof of relationship.

How do I submit the documents?

You can submit the documents along with the filled up claim form through email at [email protected] or WhatsApp at +8801741431554 or by courier to MILVIK Head Office. The relevant addresses will be provided to the applicant by our claim team in details

How long is the claim window for MILVIK Life & Disability?

The nominee must claim insurance within 90 days of the death of the customer.

Notice of claims for Disability Cover and supporting documentation must be given within one-eighty (180) days from the date of disability, and in any event, within eighteen (18) months from the date of the incident causing the disability (if applicable).

How can I deregister from a service?

To deregister from a service, please call our helpline number 09610500599. Our customer service executive will provide support in this regard.