Frequently Asked Question-Milvik

Check out our FAQ section to find answers to all your questions and know more about Milvik

What is MILVIK Wellness plan

MILVIK Wellness plan is a new healthcare solution
that has been designed to provide comprehensive
services and assist in managing healthcare expenses.
It introduces cashless benefits for hospitalization and
non-hospitalization treatments as referred by Milvik
doctors. Know More

What are the key features of MILVIK Wellness plan?

The key features include 24/7 telemedicine services
from Milvik General and Specialist doctors, cashless
benefit for in-patient and Milvik care benefits (nonhospitalization treatment) as referred by Milvik
doctors, discount facility at Milvik partner hospitals
and diagnostic centers, on demand medicine delivery
and free sample collection and no claim bonus for
the most loyal customers.

Who can register for MILVIK Wellness plan?

Any Bangladeshi individual, aged between 18-64
years can register for MILVIK Wellness plan
However, upon registration, customers will be
eligible for coverage until the age of 69. For children
and siblings as insured relative maximum coverage
age is 25. For detail terms and conditions please

What are the mHealth services offered by MILVIK?

MILVIK mHealth services include 24/7 tele-doctor
services, SMS-prescription and digital prescription
through Health+ app, weekly health program
notifications through Health+ App. On-demand
medicine home delivery and home sample collection
for diagnostic test

What are cashless claims?

Cashless claims are claims that can be settled without paying money upfront. This means, the hospital bill, diagnostic test, referral doctor consultation fee, and medicine cost of the insured person will be taken care of directly by MILVIK. We are offering a cashless facility in MILVIK’s listed partner hospitals, diagnostics center, Pharmacy, and specialist doctors.

How does cashless insurance work?

To avail the cashless IPD/ Milvik Care benefits claim facility the hospitalization, diagnostic test, doctor referral, and medicine purchase needs to be preapproved by Milvik Doctors.

For emergency Hospitalization when I need to inform MILVIK doctors?

In case of emergency, where the patient or family members could not intimate or get approval from Milvik doctor before the hospitalization, they will have a maximum of 24-hour window to inform Milvik doctor.  Milvik doctor will verify the emergency condition and if it seems valid, they will approve the hospitalization.

Is there any minimum duration of hospitalization required to seek a claim?

There must be at least one night stay at the hospital (or at least 18 hours). In case of maternity, where the patient did not require to be hospitalized for 24 hours, such as natural delivery or miscarriage related treatment the minimum hours of hospitalization can be 18 hours.

How to get cashless IPD and Milvik Care benefits claim?

After receiving the required approval from MILVIK doctors, the customer service team will issue a guarantee of payment (GOP) letter in favor of the customer (patient).

To be able to produce the GOP, the following documents need to be collected from the customer-

  1. Customer national ID/passport
  2. Insured relative (patient) national ID. In case of minors, birth certificate/ SSC/HSC certificate can be accepted.

The GOP will be-

(i) pushed to customer’s Health+ App account and (ii) the partner hospital authority.

The information presented in the GOP will include but not be limited to

  • Issuance date
  • Registered MSISDN
  • Customer name and NID (or other valid IDs)
  • Patient name
  • Patient age
  • Relationship with customer
  • Presenting complaint and diagnosis
  • Prescribed services
  • Coverage by the cashless service including services and the amount limit.

What is Guarantee of payment (GOP)?

A Guarantee of Payment (GOP) is a document that guarantees that the person/institution signing it will pay the required amount against any service undertaken by the other party. 

This helps to make cashless payments and prevents customers from having to pay for services that would normally be covered under MILVIK wellness plan.

Will I get covered for pre-existing illnesses?

No coverage can be availed for the first 12 months after commencement of service for pre-existing diseases. Any waiting period starts counting again if there is no payment for 3 consecutive months. No coverage will be provided for Pre-existing and congenital diseases.

Can I get cashless claim benefit from a nonnetwork hospital/diagnostic center?

No, you cannot get cashless services from a hospital or diagnostic center which is not included in the Milvik Cashless Partner network.

What is Milvik care benefits?

MILVIK Wellness Plan customers get a fixed amount of cashless coverage for purchases of medicines, diagnostic tests, and visits to external doctors which is prescribed by Milvik tele doctors.

What is an ‘Insured Relative’ and who can be insured relatives?

Insured relatives are your family members who can be share the benefits of MILVIK Wellness plan  services with you. You can add your parents, spouse, children, and siblings under shared cover as specified in the plan details. 

Is there any age limit for insured relatives?

Entry age range for parents, spouse be covered is 18 to 64 years and can be covered till they become 69. Children can be covered from birth and included not more than 24 years and be covered until they become 25 years of age. Siblings can be entered into the plan when they are aged not more than 24 years and be covered until they become 25 years of age.

From when can I claim for the benefits for MILVIK Wellness plan?

For all payment options, there will be a 1 month waiting period for coverage to start. For example, if someone has subscribed to the plan on the 5th of a given month, his IPD and Milvik Care benefits coverages will start from 5th of the next month. However, this waiting period will not be applicable for the mHealth benefits. The mHealth benefits will be available as soon as the first fee is paid. Anytime, to get any benefit, a subscription must be in “Paid” status at that point in time, and this applies to mHealth, IPD, and non-hospitalization care benefits, except for no claim bonus.

There will be no coverage or benefits if the payment of the previous month is missed.

What are the waiting periods for MILVIK Wellness plan?

  1. There will be a one month waiting period from policy confirmation date for hospitalization and Milvik care benefits (Medication Prescriptions, Doctor Referral and Lab/Diagnostic Tests) claims.
  2. No waiting period for mHealth benefits.
  3. There will be a twelve (12) months’ waiting period from the policy confirmation date for Inpatient Hospitalization due to pregnancy or childbirth and for Hospitalizations due to preexisting diseases.

What is the coverage IPD and Milvik Care benefits coverage limit?

Coverage limit in case of hospitalization:

  • 12 months plan subscribers have access to 100% of the annual coverage from the beginning of their coverage period (after 1 month from subscription start)
  • 6 months plan subscribers have access to 50% of the annual coverage from the beginning of their coverage period (after 1 month from subscription start)
  • For monthly subscribers coverage will be calculated in a proportionate rate of the number of payments divided by number of expected payments for the year multiplied by the annual limit.


Coverage limit for Milvik Care benefits service:

For Milvik Care benefits claim, a maximum of 25% of the annual limit can be redeemed per month. The 25% monthly limits can be used until the annual limit is fully utilized.

What is tele-doctor service and who can avail that?

MILVIK has in-house qualified doctors who are available 24/7. Only the subscribers of MILVIK Wellness plan  and their insured relatives and other immediate family members (parents, spouse, children and parents-in-law) can avail the tele-doctor service.

What happens if tele-doctor cannot solve my problem?

Tele-doctor service, by nature, can solve only primary health issues. For critical problems you will be referred to specialist doctors or hospitals. For emergency cases, please visit hospital instead of taking consultation over phone. 

How do I talk to MILVIK doctor?

To talk to our tele-doctor please click on “Book Doctor Consultation” button from the MILVIK Health+ App home screen and submit request.

Alternatively, you can call our helpline number 09610500599. Our customer service officer will book an appointment and a doctor will call you back shortly and provide you with the consultation.


What is medical test discount?

MILVIK has a network of 500+ partner hospitals across the country where MILVIK customers can get 10%-50% discount on the selected services i.e. pathology, radiology, hospitalization etc.

How to get medical test discount?

When you do any test at Milvik partner hospital, go to “Discounts for Milvik Customers” section from the Home screen of Milvik Health+ app and generate discount code from the hospital of your choice. Show the app screen containing the discount code at the hospital or diagnostic center billing counter. Alternatively, you can also show the membership card or subscription/monthly coverage SMS at the billing counter to proof your Milvik membership, before they prepare the bill. Check Partner Hospitals

What are the payment frequencies available for MILVIK Wellness plan ?

MILVIK Wellness plan will be available for annual benefits with annual, 180 days, and monthly payment options both with recurring payments allowing autorenewal with bKash and one-time payments with Nagad, Rocket, Upay and debit and credit cards.

How can I pay for my plan?

After registration, when you “agree” for bKash or credit or debit card subscription payment, you are authorizing deduction of the service charge amount from your bKash wallet/credit or debit card on a monthly, 180 days or yearly frequency as chosen during registration.

When is service charge deducted?

The first service charge is deducted right after the payment authorization in bKash payment or gateway/card payment gateway after registration.

Following that,

  • For monthly recurring plans, the service charge is deducted on the same date of every month. For example, if your first payment was on March 10th, your subsequent payment dates will be 10th of every month.
  • For 180 days, the subsequent service charges will be deducted every 180 days.

For Yearly, the subsequent service charges will be deducted on the same day every year.

What happens if I don’t have enough balance during deduction?

bKash Payment:

  • For monthly plans, the service charge will be deducted on a specific date of every month. In case of failure to pay on the first attempt, 5 more attempts will be made every 5 days until the payment is successful. (6 attempts in total).
  • For 180 days and 12 months/yearly recurring plans, the service charge will be deducted after 180 days and 12 months respectively from the first confirmation date. In case of failure to pay on the first attempt, 5 more attempts will be made every 5 days until the payment is successful. (6 attempts in total).


Debit/Credit Card Payment:

  • In the case of payment through cards, for monthly recurring plans,, if you don’t have enough balance during the first attempt, you will have four (4) more chances to pay for the month in the next 30 days.

*For all the recurring plans irrespective of the payment channel (bKash or debit/credit card), after all the scheduled payment attempts have failed, a One-Time payment link will be generated and sent to the customer through SMS and in-app notification, so that customers can make the payment for that billing month. Customers can also get the link by calling to MILVIK the customer care number.


How is coverage in a month decided?

For monthly recurring plans, if customer pays the monthly charge in the previous, then he earns full coverage for the next month. If no charge is paid in a month, then no coverage in the next month.


What happens if I cannot make any payment in a payment cycle/period?

If all the payment attempts are unsuccessful in a given payment cycle/period, you will not have any coverage for the next cycle/period.

Is there any carried forward option for unutilized coverage in the next policy year?

No, upon reaching the policy anniversary, the annual allowance is reset, and the full allocation is eligible to be claimed again for the next policy year.

Is there any way to pay for the missed payments for recurring payment plans?

After all the scheduled payment attempts have failed for a recurring payment plan, a One-Time payment link will be generated and sent to the customer through SMS and in-app notification, so that customers can make the payment for that billing month. Customers can also get the link by calling to MILVIK Helpline number 09610500599. For monthly recurring plans, the one-time payment link will remain active till the next cycle starts. For other recurring plans, the one-time payment link will be valid for 30 days.

How to pay for One-time plans?

For one-time payment plans for 180 days, and 12 months/yearly, customers will receive a link to make payment using their chosen wallet i.e. debit/credit card, Nagad, and Rocket. Once the payment is confirmed by the customer, the payment will be charged immediately from the associated card or wallet.

How to renew One-time plans after tenure is over?

For one-time payment plans, the renewal window will commence at specific intervals depending on the chosen plan.

  • 60 days before current coverage period ends for 180 days plans.
  • 75 days before current coverage period ends for yearly plans.

To enjoy continuous coverage, a customer has to renew his 6 months or 12 months payment plan at least 30 days before the current coverage ends.

When will the next coverage period start after renewing one-time payment plans?

Subscriber can still renew his plan less than 30 days before the coverage period ends but the new coverage period will not start immediately from the next day of previous coverage end.

When will the next coverage period start after renewing one-time payment plans?

Subscriber can still renew his plan less than 30 days before the coverage period ends but the new coverage period will not start immediately from the next day of previous coverage end.

Will the waiting periods be reset after renewal?

If renewal happens after 15 days following the end of the previous coverage period, the waiting period will be reset.